Thursday, May 21, 2009

then with the other half of left over veggies i made a baked eggs yum i love making these it is so easy just cut up what ever you need and spices then throw in your eggs and bake
i used Val's left over veggies and i threw in some left over chicken and made a salad yum!

i made this peach torte from Paula deans dessert magazine that just came out it was a hit! i am thinking i can use any fruit with it so maybe next time i will try something more berry. we picked Buddie up from the vet Tuesday afternoon he has been hopping around for 2 weeks and so i took him back and 350.00 dollars later i did not find anything else out i am in the wrong profession, they want us to crate him but i cant do that he is a big dog he will think he is in trouble. so i hope the leg gets better or there maybe two family members hopping around!

Tuesday val and Dave invited us over since we took care of val while he went fishing, we had val over last week wed and Thursday we made sloppy Joe's wed and watched American idol and Thursday we watched hells kitchen Ronnie called that one he said Danny would win and he did! so young like 23 and now look at the doors that have opened i hope he is a success! so Dave BBQ veggies and steaks yum and we had salad and baked potatoes we watched American idol i think Chris did a better job even though i like Adam more oh well we will see Wednesday

last Tuesday i was called off then wed we went to the memorial so there is a gap in my blog it was a hard week i worked Friday, sat, Sunday the above pic was taken Monday we had mike and Noah over. mike was so funny i let Noah drive me to Lowe's that was scary he just got his license no just kidding he is a great driver, but i felt really old we moved to this neighborhood when he was 13 so here i am in the pas sager sit feeling one, old because he runs into some friends and feeling sad because his mom is not in the car. the guys barbecued while we were gone and when i got back i opened the back door and there was mike all wrapped up with cherry netting and yelled at Ronnie for leaving him alone finally when he got unwrapped he dropped his clove in the BBQ so our meat at a hint of darjuim's! but i had to take this pic above he piled up his plate and he's eating and Noah looks over and says to mike you need a bib mike states" why do i need a bib i have this nice white shirt"

these are my tomato plants and yes i put the cages upside down but i think it works better when they get bigger i think i will just bend the tops down so they can go over it, at this moment i have 2 tomatoes i planted a yellow, a Roma and a beefsteak i hope i get lots of tomatoes so i can do some canning!

this flowers were not suppose to make it i did not even plant them last year i forgot and i found them still in a plastic container when i saw there was leaves i cut the plastic container off and now they have multiplied! i love the color i have been trying to incorporate more color in to the yard, maybe one of these days i will have this backyard done!

this me Sunday morning, we eat our meals outside now, the weather is great i love it!! i made omelets and we had left over watermelon and strawberries we homemade cream all from the party sat, it was a nice and relaxing day then off to work Monday

Monday, May 11, 2009

Sunday breakfast i made omelets and bacon had watermelon & strawberries with lisa's homemade whip cream & ronnie made me a bloody mary.we love to eat outside when the weather is nice ,i did some replanting then watched some t.v. Lisa,Noah,and mike came over for dinner Ronnie bbq'ed chicken with stubbs sauce it turned out pretty good. then another neighbor showed up we just talked for a while it was a nice ending to a great weekend!

sat we had some friends over mostly neighbors love this neighborhood i told Ronnie if we ever won the lottery we would stay and just improve our house and maybe buy some of the homes for sale for family! we had a great time Ronnie bbq'ed, i did 'nt make anything homemade i was soo tired i had gotten up at 430 this morning for the walk about 1230 the party was over last i heard mike and mike were downstairs wanting to make pancakes.

what a world wind week my friend died Monday of this week so one of our neighbor's arranged to do the Korman walk, so here we are bright and early sat morning i had no problems a little pain but nothing the cheesecake factory didn't fix afterward! in fact it is Monday i still have not eaten my cheesecake but we have had so many people come in and out all week and weekend with friendship and food! i was telling Ronnie that it was such a nice weekend to have so many people in and out of our house, that was one of the reasons why we choose this house because the layout was so open we could fit our friends and family in! Friday was a nice day too i met with a new friend i met at the hospital i was her nurse which this is not something i normally do but she was so friendly we hit it off! anyways we met up Friday and had lunch at panera and she took me to 3 of her favorite stores and they were so cute a sewing shop in newcastle and a used clothing shop, shabby furniture store antique in roseville loved it i also got to fit in the stamp store in roseville, and the antique trove where i found 2 old veggie crate boxes for my old cookbooks!

Monday, May 4, 2009

my dear friend went to heaven today, she battled cancer for two years, she will be missed we love you rene