Sunday, May 2, 2010

April 29Th i made moussaka yum i have always wanted to i came out pretty good but i would like to have a creamy egg top maybe i beat my eggs to much? i has made a Greek salad with homemade dressing.
April 25Th Dave and val came over for dinner what a nice day just kicking in the back yard. i love my yard now all i need is a jacuzzi and a pizza oven.

April 24Th sat Ronnie and mike helped lee with hauling rocks and dirt then afterwards we had dinner over here what a great neighborhood !

April 10Th everyone came over to eat and hang out, another BBQ at the Flores!

oops i think i put this picture out of order this is from April 20Th idol night we had pot roast and noodles.

my boxes happy birthday to me i love them !

Buddie enjoying the back yard.

Tuesday April 6Th idol night, we made ham lasagna from the left overs it turned out really good this will be a remake.
Monday April 5Th we decided to roast a ham on the BBQ for our Easter ! yummy . mike helping out waiting for dinner to be done

Easter dinner prime rib twice baked potatoes and Caesar salad with lemon cake and ice cream cake they always feed us well love u guys!

Easter Sunday we took the train back from visalia and went over Lisa and Phil's April 4Th, 2010. dinner was awesome as was the company! we watched 2 movies up in the air and brothers both very good hung out and listen to the stormy weather outside

Saturday, May 1, 2010

pretending to blow out candles!

Mia and tony


Ronnie cooking a new recipe fish with a Meyer lemon , tangerine glaze it turned out so good ! thank bubba

April 2ND my birthday we went down to vtown to see everyone. Anna making me my favorite cheesecake.

val, Cyndi, rowan, and Brian enjoying "thanksgiving dinner" march 27Th

smoked turkey yummy!

march 27Th the boys are starting on my planters what a great day they worked all day and Ronnie smoked a turkey for dinner

val and Cyndi idol night march 23rd

march 23rd idol night carna asada and grandmas rice

we didn't get to celebrate st Paddy's day on the official day i had to work so we waited till my next day off which we celebrated on march 22 instead of march 17Th the corned beef came out yummy i made soda bread and stout brownies yummy i think i may repeat all of these recipes next year!
our yard prior to the boxes i cant wait!!

sat morning we decided to go out to eat so we hit up crawdaddys in visalia i had the best meat loaf with a Cajun twist.
Anna in a fashion show!

Mia and tony the best sister in law and brother in law i have!

march 13Th the Latino conference Anna was is charge so we went down to support her we had a great time the conference had a lot of great speakers and yummy food we hung out with my sister in law and hubby i don't think i ever laughed so much we made fun of some of the people dancing and the dorky DJ.

mike and Andi idol night march 9Th

idol night march 9 Th

roasted curry chicken for idol night march 9, 2010 yum it came out really good Ronnie states i usually don't like curry but i like the way this came out so this recipe is a keeper! the potato salad i made with it i am not going to keep this recipe .

Ronnie found these red torpedo onions growing in one of the pots i forgot about it they were so good i stuck them in my bloody Marys .

getting planters ready for summer, this is our squash .

Andi and sandy watching idol!

idol night Feb 23rd, 2010 Ronnie made ribs and i made a corn casserole, and salad.